Orphan Black Wiki
Orphan Black Wiki
Cal Morrison
Cal Morrison
Biographical information
Status: Alive
Residence: Iceland
Occupation: Weapons Dealer (formerly)
Other information
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Caucasian
Significant Other/s: Sarah Manning
Family: Kira Manning (daughter)
Series information
Portrayed by: Michiel Huisman
Season/s: 2, 3 Audio Series 1
First appearance: "Mingling Its Own Nature With It"
Latest appearance: "Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis" (TV Series)

"The Great and Unexplored Ocean of Truth" (Audio Series)

Appearance count: 6 (TV Series)
"I keep telling her it´s "Cal", but she daddy´d me twice this morning."
—Cal to Sarah Manning about their daughter, Kira [src]

Cal Morrison is a recurring character of Orphan Black. He is an old flame from Sarah's past and the father of her daughter, Kira.


He is a resourceful individualist who walked away from a lucrative tech career when he saw his work co-opted by military contractors because of its potential weapons applications. Now an outdoorsman living comfortably off-the-grid in a house he built in the woods, his hard-won peace is pulled out from under him when Sarah crashes back into his life, bringing her troubles with her.

Orphan Black: The Next Chapter Audio Series[]

Season 1[]

Cal appears as the once again boyfriend of Sarah Manning 8 years later. They just recently started trying their relationship again. He has a strained relationship with Kira, mainly for the fact that Sarah is extremely over protective of her for her DNA.

Cal pops in to say hi in a "Clone Chat" video call to all the other clones where he and Sarah believe Kira is staying with Cosima, Delphine and Charlotte in the city.


Season 2 appearances
Nature Under Constraint and Vexed Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion Mingling Its Own Nature With It Governed As It Were By Chance Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est
To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things Variable and Full of Perturbation Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried

Season 3 appearances
The Weight of This Combination Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis Formalized, Complex, and Costly Newer Elements of Our Defense Scarred by Many Past Frustrations
Certain Agony of the Battlefield Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow History Yet to Be Written

