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"Human Raw Material" is the fifth episode of Season 4 of Orphan Black. The episode was watched by 0.223 viewers.[1]


Sarah’s day off to reconnect with Kira quickly turns into a sleuthing mission aimed squarely at discrediting Felix’s new ties. Cosima steps up with Donnie to further investigate the Neolutionist fertility research center. While Donnie bumps into an all-too-familiar face, Cosima makes a shocking discovery that leads her into a dangerous encounter.


Cosima and Donnie have gone undercover at BrightBorn HQ for details on the genetically enhanced babies that the company is peddling to fertility-challenged parents. Meanwhile, Krystal is pursuing her suspicions that Dyad is putting “stem cells in cosmetics,” resulting in such tabloid-reported mutations as eyelid teeth. In a fun twist on the heist formula, their identities are clocked almost immediately by Bright Born head honcho, Evie Cho, although it takes a visiting Susan Duncan to set her straight on which clone is which. Evie’s confusion allows Cosima — in full Danny Ocean mode — to penetrate Bright Born’s inner sanctum: the delivery ward where deformed babies are pulled out of hysterical mothers. “Positive for BP Syndrome”, the doctor is overheard saying as the gasping, nose-less infant is spirited out of the room, giving the show another potential mystery medical condition to inflict body horror upon the characters and the audience.

Krystal doesn’t make any similar breakthroughs on her own mission, but she does get a chance to practice some martial arts moves on poor Donnie, who drops his carefully crafted “Douglas Andrews” persona to improvise as Bright Born masseuse Ronnie. And like Cosima, she also spots a face that makes her jump: Ira, the member of the Castor clone family that tried to kidnap her last season. Seemingly more docile than his brothers, Ira serves Susan in all ways. Before that moment, Susan attempts to mentally seduce brainy Cosima into a partnership, emphasizing what they could achieve if they applied their big brains to cracking the secrets buried in Kendall’s genetic makeup. Cosima protests, but you can also see the wheels in her mind turning as she weighs the benefits (like not dying, for example) against the costs to her Clone Club allegiance.

Detective Martin Duko runs into Art, shows him an Alison Hendrix campaign flyer, and remarks on how Alison looks like Beth. He suggests Art not show an interest in her, as she is implicated in the deaths of Pouchy and his people, and known to be selling Pouchy's pills through the soap store. Mostly, Duko wants Art to let Beth go, and focus on his real family. Art passes this to Sarah, who goes to Alison, who says the pills are all in the past.

As the Bright Born heist was playing out, Sarah and Kira are enjoying a much-needed mother/daughter day. Well, Kira is enjoying it, at least. Sarah spends much of the time trying to coax the little girl into revealing more details about her dreams, to the point where Kira heartbreakingly begged her mom to shut up and just play with her. And when she isn’t worried about Kira, she’s coming up with ways to sabotage the growing bond between Felix and his recently discovered sister, Adele.

That culminates in a frosty family dinner at Mrs. S’s place, made frostier by the fact that Sarah is waiting on a call from Scott, who is reluctantly running a last-minute genetic test to determine whether Adele is an impersonator. The test comes back positive, and Sarah and Felix's relationship takes a hit.


Main Cast[]

Supporting Cast[]

  • Skyler Wexler as Kira Manning
  • Rosemary Dunsmore as Susan Duncan
  • Gord Rand as Detective Martin Duko
  • Jessalyn Wanlim as Evie Cho
  • Lauren Hammersley as Adele
  • Dmitry Chepovetsky as Dr. Henry Bosch
  • Miranda Edwards as Roxie
  • Aurora Browne as Margot
  • Zoé Doyle as Melissa
  • Bridget Wareham as Nicola
  • Saad Siddiqui as Dr. Moffat
  • Casey Hudecki as Denelle
  • Taylor Trowbridge as Tabitha
  • Lamont James as Trainer
  • Janet Pinnick as Nurse#1
  • Charlene Wood as Nurse#2
  • Dharini Woollcombe as Young Nurse
  • Nora Sheehan as Charge Nurse
  • John Jacob as Security Guard
  • Emilie Paquet as Surrogate Mother


Sneak Peaks and Promos[]



  • Kira explains that the dreams that have been mentioned was how she can feel the clones. This hints at a possible psychic connection to her aunts.
    • This would be proven to be true as almost immediately Kira announced M.K.'s death after she was killed by Ferdinand.



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