Jules is the second episode of the first season of Orphan Black: Echoes and the second episode of this series overall. It first aired in Australia on November 3, 2023 on Stan[2]. It subsequently premiered on June 30, 2024 in the United States on AMC, BBC America and AMC+ respectively.[3]
Lucy drags Jules to Settlement House where she enlists Craig’s help in a haphazard interrogation.
Lucy drives with Jules forcibly tagging along and yelling that she wants to get out. Eventually, Lucy stops the car and orders Jules to stop pretending to not know anything since there are people stationed outside of where the younger woman lives and armed with a gun. Lucy calls her a bad liar, but Jules says she is a really good liar, as she discreetly tries to dial someone named Neva Lee. However, Lucy is quick to take the younger girl’s cell phone and demands her passcode. Jules refuses until Lucy points a gun at her, and begins to spell out her passcode, which starts to spell bullshit. Seeing the perfect opportunity with Lucy distracted, Jules gets out of the truck and makes a run for it.
Meanwhile at the Additive Foundation, a worried Kira calls someone named Josh, who she says that she is concerned about the accuracy of the machine. She tells this Josh person that someone has brought up mental instability, and she’s worried they missed something. After she ends the call, an older Felix makes a grand entrance saying he just flew from New York.
At Settlement House, Lucy interrupts a group therapy session saying she needs Craig’s help immediately. It is at this particular session that Lucy runs into her ex PJ, a woman that never got over her, and wrote so many poems about the heartbreak Lucy caused her. Craig initially refuses to help Lucy, since to him, it looks like she kidnapped a kid. Lucy points out that Jules looks like her at 16, and is not a normal kid. Thus, Lucy states that whoever made her, also made Jules as well.
Back at the Additive Foundation, Kira is pouring some water for tea to give to her uncle Felix, whom she tells that she was not expecting him to show up. She then asks her uncle if Cosima called him, but he denies this. He tells his niece that he came into town early to set up for next week’s installation, and wanted to see her. But Kira is not buying it. Eventually, he admits that Cosima was worried about her, and asked Felix to check up on Kira. Felix also remarks that he also came because if he didn’t her mother would pickaxe him in his sleep. Kira is then told that Sarah is currently very happy working at the shelter helping women and jokes that Sarah is practically Mother Teresa at the moment. He tries to get Kira to pay her mother a visit, but Kira admits that after everything that happened, things have never been comfortable between them. Felix pries by telling Kira that he knows she dropped the UN thing she was working on, which is not like her to quit something with such a fancy title. Kira tries to calm him down by saying that she has so much going on, and that the waitlist has never been so long. Felix suggests that sometimes, one needs to take a break, in order to have a breakthrough.
Back at the Settlement House, Craig gets Jules to talk about herself such as what her name is, and how she is from Cambridge which is where Lucy took her from. However, she did not grow up in Boston, but thinks it was Florida, but can’t remember that part. Apparently, her parents died in a car accident. Thus, she lives with an adoptive family because her grandpa was too sick to be her legal guardian after her parent’s deaths, and she didn’t have anybody else. She recounts how she lost her memory in this car crash at fifteen. Lucy tells Jules that she also didn’t have her memory intact when she was made. Jules finds the phrasing weird. Eventually, Craig pulls Lucy aside to suggest that maybe Jules is not in on whatever conspiracy involves Lucy. Furthermore, he suggests that perhaps since she is just a kid, unlike Lucy, Jules believes the story she has been told. Thus, Lucy goes back to talk to Jules, and tells her how she also woke up without any memories of who she was. But that this was no accident, and that Jules, just like her, has no past to remember. Lucy rips the bandaid and just bluntly tells Jules that the two of them were created in a lab. Moreover, that the two of them are printouts of the same person. However, Jules thinks Lucy is crazy and does not believe her.
Meanwhile, Tom and his partner are on the road and arrive at a nature preserve owned by the eccentric Paul Darros. They arrive at their destination, and while there appears to not be any people around, there are what looks like two hazmat suits waiting for them.
At the Settlement House, Lucy continues to try to convince Jules that she is telling the truth, by saying that they are more than identical twins. It is not just that they have the same features, despite what ages they present, but they also sport the same scar in the same location. But Jules remains in denial and doesn’t want to believe Lucy. Surprisingly, when Lucy uses the flashlight that shows the branding she has on her arm on Jules, the younger girl does not have it.
Elsewhere, Jack asks his daughter Charlie through ASL if she is okay. She signs back saying that she is, but that she wanted to be left alone. Jack however, tells his daughter that he is worried about her. Charlie signs back saying that she just keeps thinking about the guy’s face and all that blood. Jack reassures her that the man was not innocent. He made a choice to come after Lucy. All Charlie did was protect her. Charlie admits that she still doesn’t know why the man wanted to hurt Lucy in the first place. Jack admits he doesn’t know why the man wanted to hurt Lucy either, and Charlie signs that she does not want to kill. Jack promises that Charlie will never have to do something like that again.
Back at Paul Darros’ nature preserve, Tom tells Emily that they are wearing hazmat suits in order to prevent any posibility that they could bring in any outside contaminants. Later, Emily meets Paul Darros for the first time, who shows her one of the last Hawkstail tortoises on Earth. He explains that they are saving them from the brink of extinction. Paul then asks Tom if they have found Lucy yet, but he admits that they are having a hard time tracking her. Then, Emily points out that things have gotten more difficult now that Lucy has kidnapped Jules. He reminds Emily and Tom to keep it off Dr. Manning’s radar, but stresses the importance of finding Lucy. Tom then asks if they can use more forceful measures with Lucy. To which Paul defers the decision to Emily, who points out that Lucy has already killed one man, and the kidnapping makes her a threat. Paul sighs and states that the two agents can do whatever they need to do to bring Jules back safe and sound. After all, he says to himself and a tortoise he named Darwin, they can’t protect them all.
Later, at the Settlement House Lucy still thinks that Jules is lying, but Craig thinks it's also possible that Jules doesn’t know anything. One thing he is sure of that Jule does remind him a lot of Lucy when it comes to personality. Jules eventually asks if she can go to the bathroom where she gets a makeshift weapon from inside the toilet. After Jules gets outside of the bathroom, Lucy admits that maybe she was wrong for grabbing her, but still says that she knows what is like waking up and not knowing who they are. She tells Jules that she thinks that she is also in danger. However, Jules takes the moment of vulnerability from Lucy and stabs her with her makeshift weapon. Lucy starts bleeding, and Jules makes her escape. Craig thinks he should take Lucy to the hospital, but she does not want to; stating that is how the bad people who are after her found her last time. Ultimately, she decides to go to where Jack is hiding with Charlie. There, he patches her up.
Elsewhere, Felix and Kira arrive at the club, and as soon as he takes it all in, Felix says that it looks like a neolution club minus the tails. Kira however, remains adamant that they don’t belong at this club, and stick out like a sore thumb.
Meanwhile, a frazzled Jules uses an easyride vehicle to get back to where Lucy originally kidnapped her from. She gets her stepdad to back off, and not tell her mother. But she is honest with her adoptive brother Wes. Who thinks that maybe telling their parents would be a good idea considering what happened to Jules. But the teen girl does not want extra eyes on her, saying how she is trying to run a business, and having her parents and the cops looking closely at her, would not be the best thing to do. She remains adamant that she is fine and disregards Lucy as just some crazy lady who told her some weird stuff.
At the club, Felix asks Kira whens she became such an old fart. To Which Kira says that perhaps that is a byproduct of twenty years of intensive therapy it took for her to get over her childhood. Kira then goes on to mention how at the lab, they are printing neurons, but are failing to transplant them, and they fail to communicate. However, she has a theory that a boost from cocaine might actually amplify the signal. The problem is that she can’t access schedule II drugs without triggering legal review. Which takes months and thus jepordizes her funding. She tries unsuccessfully to get some cocaine, and Felix steps in saying to forgive her as she was born in the country.
Elsewhere, Lucy is on her cell phone looking up Neva Lee, who is the Chief Operating Officer of Currentsy since its inception. Jack eventually gives Lucy an ultimatum that she needs to be honest with him. Otherwise he will take Charlie far, far away, and she will never see either of them ever again. Lucy tries to counter by saying that the more he knows, the more danger he is in. But Jack is adamant that he needs to know, otherwise they are through. Instead of immediately answering, Lucy asks Jack if they can go for a drive. Later, they end up at a warehouse, which turns out to now be empty. But Lucy states that this is where she was made. Jack asks if it is safe for them to be here, and Lucy tells him that she has been back here a dozen times, and it’s all good. She believes that after she ran away, they cleared everything out, and its like nothing happened there at all. Jack however, remains skeptical about what Lucy is telling him. But Lucy understands; saying that it is a lot of information to process.
At the club, Felix comes out from the bathroom after hooking up with a much younger guy, who tells him that he had never been with an old guy before. However, Felix shows Kira a bag of cocaine. Not long after, they run into Kira’s son Lucas who says that he has been at this club before, but can’t understand how Kira and Felix were let in. Felix then fesses up that he had called Lucas to pick up Kira. Luca then begins talking with Felix by defending the religious organization he is part of now; stating that quakerism is not a cult. But he sees it as spirituality in other people and communities. When Kira steps away to take a call from the lab, Felix asks Lucas why he dropped out of school. Lucas admits that he was finding the whole thing pointless, and that he wasn’t finding meaning and a purpose in those classrooms. Felix jokes that Lucas is simply carrying the family’s long standing tradition of dropping out. Afterall, the only one who graduated was Kira. Afterwards, Felix asks how Kira has really been. Lucas admits that there is definitely something going on, but he personally doesn’t know what it is. However, he thinks that she has not been sleeping. Felix calms his great nephew down by telling him that it will be alright, and that he will get it out of Kira.
Later that night, Jules is back in her bedroom, but can’t help but touch the scar she found out she shares with Lucy. She then goes to her screen, where she opens a digital family album of her as at various points in her infancy. Afterwards, she ends up overhearing James arguing with Neva, who tells James that he is overreacting. She goes on to say that Jules is a special girl, and perhaps school is boring for her. He then asks Neva when she will admit that they are in over their heads. Neva counters by saying that they took her in, and made a commitment. James states that perhaps it was a lot for them to ask of the two of them. Afterwards, Neva says that maybe she needs time. James states that he has tried with Jules, but after a year, he doesn’t know if he will ever see her as his kid.
Now at Kira’s home, she hugs her uncle Felix, and finally confesses what is going on with her. She starts by saying how she has always tried to be good; like a good mom, good scientist and a good person. But she admits that now, with this project she has been working on, she is worried. She wonders what if all the terrible, painful things that they all lived through didn’t make her better. Kira tearfully wonders if maybe in the end, it made her selfish. Felix calms her down by saying she needs to cut herself some slack. He continues by saying that everything Kira has accomplished would make S proud. However, after Felix leaves , she looks at the bag of cocaine in her pocket.
At Currentsy, Lucy tries to get in through he front door, but is stopped by the scanner verifying her identity. But before she can panic, it confirms her as Jules Lee, and lets her inside the building. While back at home Neva receives an alert on her phone that Jules is at the company. She laughs and tells Jules that she will be making a call to let them know there has been a mistake. Now inside the company, Lucy tries to blend in and act like she is an employee there. Eventually she gets to Neva’s office, and goes inside. A family picture catches her eye, and she takes it out of the picture frame. Turns out, it is of Neva, James, their adoptive kid, and Jules in front of Beacon Bayview Medical.
Now at Paul Darros’ nature preserve, Paul tells a man that is cleaning outside, that he missed a spot. Tom then comes in, and proceeds to tell Paul that Jules is back home safe. Paul then asks about Lucy, to which Tom says they just got a solid hit on her.
At the lab, Kira pours some cocaine for one of the mice she is using as a test subject. Once she has injected the cocaine onto the mouse, she places it on a water tank, where the mouse begins to swim at rapid speed. She turns around when she gets a call, and it turns out to be Josh, the person she has been trying to reach all day. Kira informs him that she needs to check the calibration of the printer. However, before Josh answers her, she turns back around, and now the mouse is floating on the water, dead.
Elsewhere, Jack has called Lucy over, who thanks him for texting her. She jokes how for future reference, finding out the girl he is dating is a print out is grounds for ghosting her. He jokes back saying that he will remember that for next time. When she asks him again if he believes her, he sighs, and says that it's way too crazy to make up. But crazy or not, he is sure that he loves Lucy. The two then kiss, before Jack tells her that he knows what it is like to have someone walk out on a person. Lucy then asks if Jack doesn’t think it's weird that she doesn’t know who she is. To which Jack tells her that he does know who she is. To him, she is Lucy.
Meanwhile, Jules calls her grandpa, who ends up answering her. He apologizes saying he had not heard the phone before, as he had left his hearing aid in the bathroom. She admits that she had a weird day, and needed to hear his voice. She then asks her grandpa if he knows how she got her scar on her arm. He tells her that he was teaching her how to ride a bike, and at first she was doing great, but when she turned around and saw that he wasn’t holding onto her, she fell down. Unbeknownst to her, the old man knows more than he is letting on. When he ends the call, his surroundings turn out to be some sort of soundstage, and tells a young woman that someone needs to tell Jules to stop asking so many damn questions.
- Krysten Ritter as Lucy
- Amanda Fix as Jules Lee
- Avan Jogia as Jack
- Keeley Hawes as Kira Manning
- James Hiroyuki Liao as Paul Darros
Special Guest Star[]
Guest Starring[]
- Reed Diamond as Tom
- Jaeden Noel as Lucas Miller-Manning
- Tattiawna Jones as Emily
- Zariella Langford-Haughton as Charlie
- Jonathan Whittaker as Craig
- Eva Everett Irving as Tina
- Alex Castillo as Neva
- Liam Diaz as Wes
- Adam Kenneth Wilson as James Lee
- Georgia Leva as Myung
- Dayle McLeod as PJ
- Sandy Crawley as Monty
- Justin Landry as Security Guard
- John Luciani as Young Hottie
- Nicko Leblanc as Man at Frankie's Hammer
- Derek Murchie as Zen Garden Master
- Sarah Manning is currently very happy working at a shelter helping women out, but her and Kira's relationship is strained.
- Kira Manning is still in contact with Cosima Niehaus.
- Felix Dawkins is a successful artist.
Coming Soon