Orphan Black Wiki
Orphan Black Wiki
Maggie Chen
Maggie Chen
Biographical information
Full name: Margaret Chen
Status: Deceased
Manner of Death: Accidentally shot by Beth Childs
Died: October 7, 2012
Affiliation: Proletheans
Dyad Institute (formerly)
Other information
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Series information
Season/s: 1, 4
First appearance: "Effects of External Conditions"
Latest appearance: "The Collapse of Nature"
Appearance count: 2

Maggie Chen was a former employee of the people who created the clones. After being assigned to the Proletheans, she saw the error of her ways and decided to join them instead, and continued to act as a double agent at the Dyad Institute, before she finally left for good. At one point, she and Tomas found Helena, a clone whom they trained to hunt down and kill other clones.[1]

In 2012,[2] she was accidentally shot by clone and police detective Beth Childs who was attempting to escape some members of Neolution while high on drugs but was unaware of who she was. Beth called her partner Art, who then created a cover story that Beth was in pursuit of an Asian criminal named Xan Yip and planted a phone in her hand to make it plausible that Beth mistook her for Xan Yip and the phone in her hand for a gun.[3]

