We Will Come Again is the tenth episode of the first season of Orphan Black: Echoes and the tenth episode of this series overall. It first aired in Australia on November 3, 2023 on Stan[2]. It premiered on August 25, 2024 in the United States on AMC, BBC America and AMC+ respectively. It serves as a season finale and is also the series finale due its cancellation by the network.
Lucy finds out how to get Charlie back, while Kira and Eleanor finally uncover Darros' secret plan.
At the Additive Foundation, Kira and printed-out Eleanor break into her currently shut down company. Kira accesses her 3D printer, while Eleanor takes a look at the twelve anonymous scans. Kira is quick to point out that Darros did not choose at random. They select one of them, and the machine begins to 3D print the face mold.
At Tina’s house, the woman in question apologizes profusely that Tom managed to overpower her, and took Charlie with him. Tina then asks Lucy if Craig is fine, to which Lucy replies, that he will be fine and that PJ is taking care of him. Jack is angry at the situation, and retorts to Lucy how she had promised they would be safe. They then get a message via Charlie’s watch from Tom, informing them that he wants to meet with Lucy alone.
Back at Kira’s house, Xander takes a look at the family photo of Kira, Eleanor and Lucas that is on display. Jules comes down the stairs and says good morning to the other teen. Xander asks Jules what it was like having a family. Jules replies back honestly how at times they were a pain in her ass, but other times, it was nice to have them around. However, she admits that Neva, James and Wes did not really feel like they were her people.More often than not, she felt like she didn’t fit into their family unit. On the other hand, Lucy and Eleanor are the first people to feel like family to her. Afterwards, Xander tells Jules how he saw another print out that looks like him die as a result of being under the influence of the drug Jules created. Xander states that there was something really wrong with that particular print out that looked like him and ultimately Darros didn’t care. Xander further explains how he just does not understand how he could have seen something like that. He mentions how he thought he was just a copy of a younger Darros, but that this memory he experienced was a recent one. Xander then admits, he now can’t believe he wanted like Darros, someone so vile and rotten from the inside. Jules comforts him by saying that Xander was a victim of Darros too. Someone who was trapped in Darros’ demented dollhouse and that when Xander was in that environment, it made sense that he looked up to Darros and wanted to be like him. Xander also apologizes for shooting Craig accidentally, and Jules lets him know that she knows he didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Jules tells Xander to remain at the house, and not go anywhere, but that she will be right back. Xander dejectedly replies that it is not like he has anywhere else to go.
At a coffee shop, Lucy meets Tom, and demands he take her to Charlie. When he continues to toy with her, Lucy pulls out a gun, and points it at him, from underneath the table. Eventually, he tells Lucy that there’s nothing more that he wants than to take her to the back of the building, and shoot her in the day, and call it a day. However, Darros wants Jules back. Lucy immediately turns down that option, and tells Tom that Darros can have her. But that is not what Darros wants. According to Tom, having Jules back under his control is what Darros desires, and that part is not negotiable. Lucy asks if Tom knows what Darros wants with Jules, but Tom informs the young woman that in the end, it does not matter. Tom then taunts her by saying that what should matter to Lucy right now is getting Charlie back.
Back at Kira’s house, they get a surprise visit from Rhona, who as it turns out is there to talk with Kira. She starts of by saying how she is sorry for Kira loosing Dr. Eleanor Miller, but says that she can relate, and mentions her deceased father once more. She reveals that she has brought with her a scan of her father in his 20’s which was right before the accident that killed him. Rhona asks Kira if she can print out a copy of her father. Kira is flabbergasted, and tells the young woman, that even if she wanted to help, that she disabled the printer, and it does not exist anymore. Kira then states, how on paper, it sounds quite easy. But getting a version of her dad back is much more complicated. Afterwards, Rhona tells Kira how she did not want to do this, as she is not the kind of person, but wants her to know just how important having her father back is to her. She takes out her phone, and plays the conversation she secretly recorded of Lucas pouring his heart out about his feelings of what Kira did. She tries to blackmail Kira, by stating that human cloning is a crime, and that it would be a shame if this information got out regarding Kira and her family.
At Tina’s house, Jules is already there when Lucy arrives after meeting Tom. She and Jack go into another room to talk, where she explains to him what Darros wants. Lucy admits that she can’t give up Jules to Darros who is just a kid. Jack lashes out, and points out to her that Charlie is also a kid, and more importantly, her kid. When they get out, Lucy realizes Jules already got out after overhearing their conversation, and presumably giving herself up in exchange for Charlie.
Back at Kira’s house, Eleanor asks Kira what she plans to do, after she explains what Rhona wanted. Eleanor points out that Rhona won’t just go away, and if Kira has thought about the fallout if the truth got out. Kira states that right now she needs to focus on the bigger picture, which is taking down Darros. But if it comes down to it, she will face the consequences of her actions. Eleanor is not okay with that decision, as she points out that in that time, she could develop early-onset Alzheimer’s and then not know who she is. Eleanor also mentions that they need to tell Lucas that his girlfriend is trying to extort them, with the information he shared with her in confidence. Kira is apprehensive, stating that it will break his heart, but Eleanor doesn’t budge, and tells Kira that she can’t keep protecting him.
At the Nature Museum, a scared Jules puts on a brave face and meets with Tom, who has Charlie with him. Lucy and Jack get to the museum, and Jules whispers that she will be okay. Thus, Tom exchanges Charlies for Jules, and takes the other teen with him.
Meanwhile, Kira calls Lucy, but her phone goes straight to voicemail. Eleanor then states that Jules is not answering her texts. To make matters worse, they see that Darros is on the news talking about the Darros Foundation summit which is taking place the next day.
Elsewhere, Jack and Charlie are getting ready to flee across the border out of Buffalo, New York. Lucy apologizes and tells him that she is sorry she couldn’t take care of him or Charlie. Lucy then asks Jack if she will ever see him again, to which Jack is honest by telling her that being around her is not the best thing when he is trying to keep his daughter safe. He then mentions how it is okay for her to feel that Eleanor and Jules matter to her like a found family of sorts. Lucy replies back by telling Jack that he and Charlie mean something to her too. Before he leaves, he asks her why Lucy picked that particular name to go by. She tells him that it comes from an old kid’s book titled Lenny & Lucy. Apparently she found it in the rec room at Craig’s Settlement House. Afterwards, Charlie signs to Lucy and asks her if she is coming with them. To which Lucy replies back in ASL that she is not. Charlie asks if she doesn’t care about her or Jack anymore. To which Lucy clarifies to Charlie that right now the most important thing is to keep her safe. She further signs that she loves Charlie, and that will never change for her. Charlie then signs back saying how she wants Lucy to help Jules. The two hug and not long after Jack and Charlie are gone.
At the Darros Foundation, Jules is dropped off into a dark room by Tom.
Back at Kira’s house, Eleanor and Kira are being caught up to speed on what happened while they were dealing with Rhona. Kira explains how she has only been to Darros’ compound a few times, and all she saw was how heavily guarded it is. Xander does mention that most of Darros’ security team will be with him at the summit tomorrow. He offers his help to Lucy, but she is apprehensive, and does not know if she can trust him. Xander states that they both care about Jules, and he tells Lucy how Darros has manipulated all of them. Thus, Kira offers to go the summit the following day to buy them all some time, and see if she can figure out what the big launch that Josh mentioned in his laptop is all about. Eleanor further mentions that she is waiting for access to the census database to create ID for the 12 people Darros printed out. She mentions that 11 of the 12 she knows are teenagers like Jules and Xander and given the resolution in those scans, none of them will have any long-term memory. So none of them will know who they really are.
The following morning, Kira wakes Xander up and tells the teen it is time to enact their plan. She offers one of Lucas’ old winter coats because it is rather cold that day. She then asks Xander that if he at any point is able to access the printer Darros has, she wants Xander to disable the printer, if he manages to get access to it.
Meanwhile, Eleanor continues to try to decipher who the 12th individual is, but is still nowhere close to cracking it. There’s a knock at the door, and Lucas lets himself in. He states that he just broke up with Rhona after the extortion she tried to pull. Eleanor does tell him that grief does change a person. He then apologizes to Eleanor for shutting her out. But Eleanor is quick to say he has nothing to apologize to her about. Lucas is honest with Eleanor and admits that he is not sure if he will ever be able to get to a place where she can be his mother, but does say he misses the person who has been in life for the past two years. The two then embrace.
At the Darros Foundation, Paul tells Tom how he honestly surprised him. Paul then mentions how he has this theory, that in order for Tom to shine, he needed to be at his lowest point. Later, Xander arrives at the south gate, and Paul says to Tom that he wonders what Xander will have to say for himself.
At Kira’s home, Eleanor goes through one of Kira’s old boxes, which has an album. Eleanor looks through and sees a young Kira and the original Eleanor happy and smiling during their wedding day. Eventually, she receives a text message informing her that she now has access to the Census database.
Meanwhile, at the Darros Foundation, the first thing Paul says to Xander is that the teen left without saying goodbye. Xander says to his creator that he did not appreciate what Paul had given him, and that now, he realizes he should have been grateful. He then reveals to Paul that he knows what happened to the first version of him, and how he knows Paul had to let that printout go. This rattles Paul, as he was not expecting to hear that, and Xander continues talking to him saying how he knows it must have been hard being the strong one, and the one who has to survive. So he thinks Paul made the right decision, and that ultimately, he should not have to carry that burden on his own. When Paul asks why he should trust Xander, the teen is quick to say that because he came back to Paul, and that in the end, they are family. Ultimately, Paul decides to let Xander stay, and informs him that he will be on the groundskeeper team on a trial basis. Before he leaves for the summit, Xander thanks him.
Unbeknownst to Paul, Xander managed to sneak Lucy into the compound to rescue Jules. She is shocked to see Lucy and Xander, but the first she is asked is where Charlie is. Lucy informs her that Charlie is now somewhere safe. The three of them then make a run for it.
Back at Kira’s house, Eleanor is able to get into the US Census database, and discovers the identity of some of the twelve individuals Paul printed out copies of. One of which is Peter Mayfield, from Pasadena, California, who is stated to be 68 years old and alive, and works at the Department of Chemistry within the California Institute of Technology, followed by Sophia Papatonopolous, a 55 year old from Berkley, California, who’s employed at the Department of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, to a younger copy of Ailee Hopkins from Portland Oregon, who is deceased but was the winner of the Nobel Prize in economics.
At the summit, reveals to the audience how the Darros Foundation seemingly conducted a national effort to identify some special kids living in the foster care system. All while Kira listens on from the audience, while knowing that there’s something darker that Paul is planning for these twelve individuals. She then receives a call from Eleanor, who informs her that she knows who the twelve people whose records Paul accessed really are. All while Paul introduces six of the twelve kids from his Genius Project.
At the compound, Lucy, Jules and Xander are about to leave, when they are stopped by Paul’s speech, who is talking about how one of these 12 kids could come up with the solution to stop climate change or end world hunger, or even find a cure for cancer. Before Lucy and Jules leave, Xander informs Jules that he will catch up later. He needs to stay behind and disable the printer so that Paul does not continue to print out more people, while robbing them of their autonomy.
Back at the summit, Kira goes directly to Paul, and tells him she needs to talk with him alone. He acquiesced, and the two are left alone. She asks Paul how he could do something so nefarious, but Paul doesn’t see it that way. He tells her that he did it because he wants to make the world a better place, and needs the most brilliant minds from the last generation to help him with that goal. Paul then brings up how initially Kira saw Lucy as a failure because of her blank mind. But he saw the potential in her. He further reveals that Jules was his first test case because at 16, Eleanor’s mind was easier to mold and manipulate because the mind is at its most plastic at that age. Kira points out how unethical it is, but Paul is quick to point out that she didn’t care about ethics when it concerned her own wife. It takes her a second, but she remembers what Xander told him, and asks Paul if he really cares about saving the lives of millions, or just one life in particular. This stops him in his tracks, once Kira brings up his sister, who died pretty young. He goes on to say that unlike Kira, he wouldn’t bring back his sister, because unlike her, he focuses on the future.
At the compound, Xander goes to disable the printer, but instead of destroying one of the pieces, he stares intently at it. Meanwhile, Lucy and Jules run to get out of the compound. But instead of an exit, they find an area where the twelve individuals were being kept after they had been printed out. One of the pictures is of an old guy they made Jules believe was his grandfather. Frantic, Jules grabs as many pictures as she can, in the hopes that they can serve as clues later on to find out where the twelve other prints-outs are located. Unfortunately, they take a little too long in trying to gather the aforementioned pictures, and Darros gets back to the compound.
At Kira’s house, Eleanor lets Kira know that she is starting something new with her which makes Kira happy that this version of Eleanor is choosing to stay with her in spite of everything that has happened. The two mention how they have not heard back from Lucy, but Eleanor further reveals that the twelfth individual Darros printed out, and whose file was corrupted is none other than a teenage Kira.
At the compound, Jules notices another print out sleeping in one of the rooms, and Jules remarks that they can’t just leave them here with Darros. But before they can do anything else, they are confronted with Paul who says it is really good to finally meet her, and that he has heard so many good things about her. Paul then informs Lucy that things could have turned out differently if she hadn’t corrupted Jules. In the blink of an eye, Paul pulls a gun out, and shoots Jules in the head. He then opens the door to where the other printout is being kept, and much to her surprise, it is another printout of Eleanor, except this one is blonde. She introduces herself to Lucy, and says it is nice to meet her.
- Krysten Ritter as Lucy
- Amanda Fix as Jules Lee/Blonde Jules[3]
- Avan Jogia as Jack
- Keeley Hawes as Kira Manning
- James Hiroyuki Liao as Paul Darros
- Rya Kihlstedt as Printed-out Eleanor
Guest Starring[]
- Reed Diamond as Tom
- Jaeden Noel as Lucas Miller-Manning
- Vinson Tran as Xander Darros
- Zariella Langford-Haughton as Charlie
- Eva Everett Irving as Tina
- Alice Hamid as Rhona
Co Starring[]
- Lesleh Donaldson as Host
- The Lenny & Lucy books Lucy mentions to Jack are real books by Philip C. Stead, and illustrated by Erin E. Stead.[4]